West Devon Council


Minutes of a meeting of the West Devon Council held on

Tuesday, 19th December, 2023 at 12.00 pm at the Chamber - Kilworthy Park







Chairman Cllr Daniel

Vice Chairman Cllr Sellis


 Cllr Bridgewater


Cllr Calder


Cllr Casbolt


Cllr Cheadle


Cllr Cunningham


Cllr Dexter


Cllr Edmonds


Cllr Elliott


Cllr Guthrie


Cllr Johnson


Cllr Jory


Cllr Kimber


Cllr Mann


Cllr Moody


Cllr Mott


Cllr Oxborough


Cllr Renders


Cllr Southcott


Cllr Squire


Cllr Vachon


Cllr Viney


Cllr Wakeham


Cllr Watts


Cllr West



In attendance:










 Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service



Director - Governance & Assurance



Head of Democratic Services



Monitoring Officer





46.                         Apologies for Absence

CM 46/23       

Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Ball, Blackman, Ewings, Leech and Saxby.









47.                         Declarations of Interest

CM 47/23       

The Mayor invited Members to declare any interests in the items of business to be considered during the course of the meeting but there were none made.





48.                         Honorary Aldermen - Nominations

CM 48/23      

Members considered a report that sought approval, in accordance with Section 249(1) of the Local Government Act 1972, for the nomination of Mr Mike Davies, Ms Diana Moyse, Mr Terry Pearce and Mr Paul Ridgers to be conferred the title of ‘Honorary Alderman’ in recognition of their respective service to West Devon Borough Council


In the ensuing debate, tributes were paid by a number of Members to the outstanding community service and dedication that each of the four nominees had demonstrated.


It was then proposed by Cllr L Daniel, seconded by Cllr M Renders and upon being submitted to the Meeting was declared to be CARRIED and ”RESOLVED that, in accordance with Section 249(1) of the Local Government Act 1972, the Council confer the title of Honorary Alderman of the Council upon:


-        Mr Mike Davies;

-        Ms Diana Moyse;

-        Mr Terry Pearce; and

-        Mr Paul Ridgers.”






The Meeting concluded at 12.10 pm





Signed by:





